What Is The Decimal Value Of 01102

What is the decimal value of 01102? Embark on a journey into the realm of binary numbers and their conversion to decimal values. From the fundamental concepts to practical applications, this exploration unravels the intricacies of this essential digital transformation.

Delve into the binary number system, its base, and the significance of each digit. Witness the step-by-step process of converting binary to decimal, exemplified by the conversion of 01102. Discover the mathematical equation that governs this conversion, revealing the interplay between binary and decimal representations.

Decimal Value of 01102

What is the decimal value of 01102

In computer science and electronics, binary numbers are commonly used to represent data and perform calculations. Converting binary numbers to their decimal equivalents is a fundamental operation in these fields.

Binary Number System

The binary number system is a base-2 system, meaning it uses only two digits: 0 and 1. Each digit represents a power of two, with the rightmost digit representing 2 0, the next digit representing 2 1, and so on.

  • 01102 = 0 x 2 0+ 1 x 2 1+ 1 x 2 2+ 0 x 2 3
  • 01102 = 0 + 2 + 4 + 0
  • 01102 = 6

Mathematical Representation

The conversion from binary to decimal can be represented mathematically as follows:

Decimal Value = (Digit1x 2 n-1) + (Digit 2x 2 n-2) + … + (Digit nx 2 0)


  • Digit iis the i-th digit in the binary number, starting from the right
  • n is the number of digits in the binary number

Real-World Applications

Binary-to-decimal conversion has numerous applications in various fields, including:

  • Computer science: Converting binary data stored in computers to decimal values for processing and display
  • Electronics: Converting binary signals in electronic circuits to decimal values for measurement and control

Illustrative Examples, What is the decimal value of 01102

Binary Number Decimal Value
00012 1
01012 5
10102 10
11112 15

Quick FAQs: What Is The Decimal Value Of 01102

What is the binary number system?

The binary number system is a base-2 number system that uses only two digits, 0 and 1, to represent numbers.

How do I convert a binary number to a decimal number?

To convert a binary number to a decimal number, multiply each digit in the binary number by its corresponding power of 2, starting from right to left. Then, add up the results.

What is the decimal value of 01102?

The decimal value of 01102 is 26.